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How it works?
Discover new artists, book services, buy products, book venues and pay with security.
1. Find an artist
2. Select a Service
or a Product
3. For Services:
Find a Venue in the app or set your own
For Products:
Coordinate the product delivery through the chat
4. Track the request status, engage in chat conversations, and make payments after the service has been completed or the product has been delivered
Discover all the features
Feed, Discover, Create, Profile and Schedule.
Use the feed to discover artists based on their geographical location, go to new places, and explore the feed to get to know various types of artists.
Filter, discover, and get to know new artists, products, services, and venues using smart filters.
After registering and enabling your Payments in your Profile, you are eligible to create Products, Services, and Venues.
Edit your profile, register, and enable your payments to receive your first earnings.
Access a robust management tool:
Receive notifications, bookings, request status updates, and manage your orders.
Release payments for the contracted services or products.
Access the chat between Artist, Venue, and Booker.
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